

IB Psychology: A Student Guide - eBook Bundle (PDF) - All Chapters

Themantic Education

$199.00 USD

Online teaching made easy with this complete eBook package.

You could have your entire IB course planned with the touch of a button with the eBook and our Complete Teacher Support Pack.


IB Theory of Knowledge - Teacher Support Pack & eBook - Bundle

Themantic Education

$319.00 USD
LICENSE: This is the entire textbook as a PDF file. When you purchase it, you get the right to use the book without limit in your school. This includes sharing it with your students on any internally accessible site, such as a closed Google classroom, Wiki, Moodle, etc. The posting of materials on publicly accessible sites is not allowed. It is also not allowed to share the book outside of your school. This license has no time limit: purchase it once and use it for as long as you want, with as many students as you have.
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IB Psychology TSP + eBook Bundle (All Chapters)

Themantic Education

$349.00 USD

Buy yourself hours of time with our full course bundle for IB Psychology. This pack allows you download the entire textbook and share it with your students. You can also download every single lesson plan and activities for the course.

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Stress for IB Health Psychology COMPLETE BUNDLE

Themantic Education

$190.00 USD

Our bundles are designed to make life easier and save you money by giving you everything you need in one easy discounted download.

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IB Psychology A Student's Guide - eBook Bundle (Full Book PDF)

Themantic Education

$199.00 USD

Online teaching made easy with this complete eBook package.

You could have your entire IB course planned with the touch of a button with the eBook and our Complete Teacher Support Pack.

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IB Psychology - A Student's Guide - Love and Marriage TSP + eBook Bundle - Chapter 5 - FREE

Themantic Education

$0.00 USD

Why not sell your IB Psychology course to students with some more engaging topics, like "Love and Marriage?".

  • Why do people fall in love?
  • Why do people get divorced?
  • How can we maintain a happy marriage?
  • Are arranged marriages healthy?
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IB Psychology - A Student's Guide - The IA eBook & TSP Bundle

Themantic Education

$50.00 USD

Get everything you need to teach the IB Psychology Internal Assessment with the click of a button.

By downloading our IA eBook and Teacher Support Pack (TSP) you will have a step-by-step guide to complete the IA.

The IA eBook is written to cover 20 lessons, beginning with choosing the study, all the way to writing every aspect of the final report.

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IB Psychology - A Student's Guide - Criminology eBook & TSP Bundle - Chapter 2

Themantic Education

$60.00 USD

Are you looking for a more interesting way of teaching the Biological Approach to understanding human behaviour? Why not teach "Criminology" instead.

Save yourself hours of time by downloading our complete Criminology bundle today!

In this bundle we've combined the eBook chapter from our student textbook, along with the Teacher Support Pack (TSP).

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